LØRN Case #C1230
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Solvi Marie Fjeldstad


NKI + boligstylist og interiørarkitekt i 4ROM Interiørdesign

Anja Gaede Bisgaard

Ejer og daglig leder

SPOTT trend & business

"Digitalisering gjør at endringsmønstrene beveger seg mye raskere "

Varighet: 19 min


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Tema: Nye transportsystemer og fremtidens bygg
Organisasjon: NKI + boligstylist og interiørarkitekt i 4ROM Interiørdesign
Perspektiv: Mindre bedrift
Dato: 221027
Sted: OSLO
Vert: Silvija Seres

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Utskrift av samtalen: Kjøpsatferd

Velkommen til LØRN.Tech - en læringsdugnad om teknologi og samfunn med Silvija Seres og venner.


Silvija Seres: Hello and welcome to this LØRN conversation together with the digital school NKI. This is the third conversation in a series of four about the future of interior design, the styling of apartments and houses and offices and how the technological and sustainability trends in the world around us affect that part of business. My guests today are Solvi Marie Fjeldstad from NKI, and Anja Bisgaard from Spott trends, welcome ladies. We already had two conversations and we talked a lot about how humans change and therefore with the digitalization and generational gaps the new ways of both learning and working and how that changes our needs for these spaces that we live and work in. And we also talked about overall trends. We just started discussing sustainability and I think that's going to be a very important part of this conversation where we talk about how we buy the materials. How do you connect the value chain, and how do you really get sustainability applied to the way that we arrange our living spaces? Solvi, do you want to start with your most important points for this conversation? 


Solvi Marie Fjeldstad: Yeah, I think from being looked upon as pillow fluffers. Another aspect is that people think; is it necessary? Is it a luxury to renovate, to redo your areas? And is that sustainable? I'm thinking that if we as consultants or designers can help people create spaces that will last even if trends are changing and they are functional, then they will not have to repaint every three years because they've made good choices together with somebody with experience that can guide. So in that aspect, I think it's good for sustainability. And also then it's guiding people into materials, so that's a jungle. Again, that needs to be good channels to get information on the materials and what they contain. 


Silvija: Can I ask you before Anja takes over with trends and the big picture. You mentioned something in our previous conversation that I got very inspired by, and it's homemade. The stuff that reminds us of historically developed living trends in our area. I'm a foreigner living in Scandinavia. I grew up in the south of Europe and I. The way Scandinavians work, the wood and the metals, it never stops to amaze me how beautiful and how well adjusted it is to this climate. So homemade stuff and reparations applied to really good materials create, perhaps for the necessary flexibility as our life changes and our needs changes. I'm handing it over to Anja now. 


Anja Gaede Bisgaard: The locally sourced and the repaired elements is one angle into sustainability. But if I may, I would like to go back to the interior designer and how they should approach sustainability. And again I want to highlight and I know that this is something that a lot of people also disagree on. I think it shouldn't be a choice for their clients to work, sustainable or not. It should come to that point where it's just the way that we work. It's just the products we resource that are sustainable and that is why it has to come from legislation. It's not going to come from clients of interior designers saying, hey, I want a sustainable interior design, can you help me with that? They want a new interior design and just by common sense and by how our production system works, it is sustainable and it is produced in a new way. It's a huge transition, I am fully aware of that. So in that way we of course need to be patient for the whole industry to actually make that transition to the new systems that are being made. But I don't think they should leave it up to the clients to choose, do you want a sustainable home or do you want just a regular home? I think that it should just be the way that we should work in the future. And I do believe that it will come. It's just a massive long transition. It's just as long as the industrialization, and I think we've just become a little bit impatient that it should be now, because of course of the climate, and of course it should be. But it also needs huge transition systems to push much harder on legislation for that to happen faster. 


Silvija: Can I ask you two things? One thing that I've learned from my own home project. We were refurbishing a very old house and I really wanted it to be smart. I didn't have an interior designer, but the people who were building it, rebuilding it, refurbishing it for me, they were advising me not to use timber. Timber is a Norwegian company that allows you to align all of your electrical devices and charge when it's cheaper, and it's very useful within combination with electric car chargers. And I got advised to use materials that were not natural and not sustainable because they were cheaper and I honestly feel that I didn't get very good advice on building more sustainably. So in this case actually I was asking for things. I just wanted a basic wooden floor. I don't mind if it cracks up, it'll fit fine in this house and they wanted a more expensive and far more process and the less natural floor. How can we make interior designers love the traditional and natural stuff? 


Solvi: Well, I think we do. But again, it is as Anya says, a long process. And also, we need to communicate and educate our suppliers. If it's an electrician that's going to work on a project, it's easier for him to pick something that he has in the back of his car, and he knows that he will earn a lot of money. I'll put 25 spots in your ceiling because I earn 1000 kr per spot. I'm being a little nasty right now, but it's some of the problems that we do get into. We have to fight to come through with our visions. So that's one thing. And then as far as colors. You have to push through as a designer and tell both your clients and the people that's going to put it into your house that this is the end result that we want and we want, and that we want to use this product not a substitute. It's like if you go to the pharmacy, your doctor prescribes something, and the pharmacist asks you, do you want this instead 'cause it's cheaper? But it's the same stuff. I always have to tell them, no. I want the stuff that my doctor wrote down, not the substitute. 


Anja: The thing is, it's also become an extreme complexity when it comes to sustainability, like what really matters and what doesn't matter and what is the right thing to do and what is the wrong way to do and what is in between. And unfortunately I also think that a lot of people both design their suppliers and regular consumers give up because it's a jungle to navigate. That is also why we need harder legislation. We need standardizations that we can rely on, just like we've done in beauty. Just like we've done with toys and kids' wear and all that stuff. That is a highly regulated area and we need to do the same with fashion and furniture and interiors in order to have a more aligned set of rules that everyone has to live under. So I think what you have looked into, and ran into is that complexity about giving up and then choosing the easy solution. With that said, there is also a point in sustainability that you know sometimes the man-made cycle is also a better choice. Plastic is actually a fantastic material compared to some organic materials because it can be reused 100 times and organic organic cotton cannot do that. So it has a higher durability, we just need to put it in the right circular system. So sometimes man-made is the good solution, and is the most sustainable solution. We just need the back ends of our industrialized system to work with that. 


Silvija: This is what brings me actually to another question to you ladies inspired by what Anja said. I saw a similar problem with architects in the construction. There was this really interesting project by a company called Entra. They do a lot of business spaces, corporate houses and offices in Norway. And they rebuilt a very vulnerable building in Oslo. Completely out of circular reuse of materials. They had something like 27 different donor buildings and the biggest problem they had was actually two things. One is to get architects to understand; how they work with old Windows. But the result was actually a building that feels very nice. It has a completely different feel than if you only used shiny new windows. Here the windows were defining the building in a completely new way, but they also struggled with regulators. Because all the building standards are not made for reused materials. So you have to fight the regulation in order to do what's sustainable. And I think there might be something similar. You have to fight the tradition, you have to fight the habits and maybe even laziness. You have to find the business models and you have to fight the regulation in order to do what's most sustainable in some of these interiors that you arrange and style, and that's not an easy fight to do. 


Solvi: Yeah, I think that the rules, or the standards that you can find online or in the Norwegian standard and you have to do buildings within tech so. It's a jungle for us that have been in the profession for years and for students, where do they look? I think that maybe like Anja says, you need to be focusing on the loss and it should be a lot stricter as far as thinking about the future. I think that the best thing that a student probably could do is ask, ask questions. If they pick a product, try to figure it out. Try to find out as much as possible about this project. And, like Anja says, what is sustainable? It doesn't have to be wood, the cotton industry is horrible, you know, but still cotton is a natural product. So it's important. Right now I work on a project that I think is interesting and frustrating. I work in an office project where they're moving into a really special building and it's Snøhetta that's designing and they have spent seven years researching how to imply natural ventilation into the building. And of course the solutions will reflect what the walls are made of, how the ceilings are, and what the natural colors of the ceilings are, and things that I cannot say that I want white ceilings in this office space because some things are really not touchable in this project. So I have to think differently as well and it can be frustrating, but it's also very fascinating. 


Anja: Yeah, I also think for these major and huge topics that it's time spanning over a decade and taking a long time. I think we also need to bring the complexity down and need to bring it back and say for an interior designer, student and even for myself in my line of work. We also keep pushing for the small things. And when I engage with a client, I do exactly like you're saying, Solvi, ask questions, keep pushing. Is there a more sustainable solution? Could we use this color or could we use this color? In every client relation I keep just pushing forward and do small things at a time. And I really do believe that that is the way forward, because that is an education of the whole system that we just keep pushing forward and do small things one at a time. So if an interior design consists of 10 things and maybe 3 of them or more are sustainable choices, maybe the next time it's four things. Then we're on the path of doing it and still being able to do something concretely today. 


Solvi: Yeah, there's another example here, which I called a happy story. I worked on another office space where they wanted to have a low budget and I said, ok low budget is fine, can we combine it with sustainability and buy used furniture? And they said sure. So we did, and not long ago people were kind of like are you going to use all used office furniture for a new office. The same supplier of used office furniture came up to me last week I think. They got into a coworking unit with one of the biggest office furniture suppliers. And that's a huge step in the right direction. 


Silvija: Really good, especially good perhaps in the country as rich as Norway, where we weren't forced to do that before. And now we think that doing the right thing is cool. And even being extra creative and extra inspiring. So ladies, I'm taking with me quite a lot of points on how we can influence the purchasing and the planning of these interior spaces and also Anjas point, that man-made is not always bad. It actually just needs to be used in the right setting and in the right way. The problem with plastic is maybe that it is too good in some ways and we are making too much of it and we are throwing away too much of it. But if we manage to reuse it, it's an amazing product.


Anja: I concur with just a short example. Tarket, the flooring company in Sweden, they have produced or been able to take the whole value chain. So they can actually take back their vinyl floors and the vinyl floors are made of plastics, and they can re granulate them and make them into new floors. So they've taken on the whole value chain. And that's a good example, and we need more companies to be able to do that. And they create a contract with people saying, you can have them for 10 years and then we'll take them back. And then they granulate them into new floorings and that's how circularity comes in from a man-made product. 


Silvija: Wonderful, it's a great example. Thank you so much. We are going to meet in a couple of minutes to continue on our 4th conversation and the final one in this series. Thank you. 


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