LØRN Method
No one should waste time and money on skills that will soon be useless. We need to learn relevant things for the future we are going into. An advertisement asks: Do you think it is about mindset or skill set?
The answer is: BOTH! A mindset without a skillset is useless; the separation without the mindset is directionless. Skills for the future will be a combination of technological knowledge and the courage to think for yourself. In order to be able to make active choices we must dare to think something about what the future should be like. It is too easy to say that «we just teach kids to code». Everyone has to learn and we have to learn more than coding. We need to teach kids and everyone else DIGITAL CREATION. We must become something more than good consumers of new technology – we must be able to recreate it. And as adults we must not so easily tolerate learning that does not apply to ourselves.
But, what are the necessary skills for the future?
Humans are losing the battle when in direct competition against robots. Robots, automation and AI are better than us at reading and finding patterns in large amounts of data. However, to correctly interpret these patterns in a way that is culturally and politically rooted and which reflects the extremely complex human psyche, that – only people can and should do. Better and cheaper robots will be able to perform most of our routine tasks that require little or no creativity. On the other hand, people will always be better at tasks that require empathy and flexible action in unpredictable environments. AI is well suited for administrative and routine tasks. People are invincible in tasks that require care and consideration. Either way, the future will be exciting and will require a lot of new knowledge.
Claude Shannon, the father of Information Theory, said: «We know the past but cannot control it. We control the future but cannot know it ».
Join and explore the future, so that we together can drive it in a good direction.
– Silvija Seres
LØRN’s 10 commandments for lifelong learning
Your learning should be:
- Lifelong, not just a one-time activity for young people
- Fresh, based on stories that changed in the last 12 months
- Local, about things that happen in your geography and that you recognize
- Convenient, so you can use it yourself
- Inclusive, so that everyone can participate in the future
- Interdisciplinary, so you are drawn into many new necessary tools
- Self-driven, where you want yourself, your employer and municipality to contribute as well
- Team-based, so you apply new learning together with colleagues
- Digital, so you can learn on many channels wherever you are
- Flexible, so you can take in knowledge in small, light, playful pieces